9 Essential Tips to Prepare Your Home for storm Season

March 12, 2024 Written by: Kristina Hill

As storm season approaches, it's crucial to safeguard your biggest investment—your home.

These 9 tips will help you get your home ready for the challenges of Nebraska's weather. From a thorough exterior inspection by our HomeShield Roofing & Exteriors team to trimming trees and checking insurance coverage, being proactive can save you time, money, and headaches in the long run.

Stay informed, stay safe, and remember…we’re here when you need us!

  1. Full Exterior Inspection: Schedule a professional inspection of your home's exterior, including the roof, siding, gutters, and windows. Our team can identify and address any issues to ensure your home is ready for hail season. We will take date/time stamped photos of the current condition so that if there is a storm, we have a reference point to look back on. This proactive approach can help you identify and address potential problems before they become major issues. We suggest this is done once every two years and/or after a major storm event. Click here to get on our inspection schedule.

  2. Gutter Maintenance: Keep gutters clean and in good repair to prevent water damage during hail storms. Ensure downspouts are clear and direct water flow away from your home's foundation. Properly maintained gutters can help prevent water from seeping into your home and causing damage.

  3. Trim Trees: Prune back tree branches that could damage your home during a storm. Remove dead or overhanging branches to reduce the risk of property damage. Keeping trees trimmed can help prevent them from becoming hazardous during high winds or hail storms.

  4. Check Insurance Coverage: Review your homeowner's insurance policy with your local agent to understand your coverage. Now is the time to make any necessary updates to ensure you are adequately protected. Knowing your coverage limits and deductible can help you make informed decisions in the event of a storm.

  5. Emergency Supplies and Plan: Prepare an emergency kit with essentials such as water, batteries, flashlight, non-perishable food, and first aid supplies. Develop a family emergency plan so everyone knows what to do and where to go during a storm. Having a plan in place can help you stay safe and minimize damage during severe weather.

  6. Create a Home Inventory: Document your belongings, including outdoor items, for insurance purposes. Keep a record of your possessions and their value to expedite the claims process if needed. A detailed home inventory can help ensure you receive proper compensation for any losses.

  7. Inspect Windows and Doors: Check for any gaps or leaks around windows and doors. Seal them properly to prevent water intrusion during storms. Properly sealed windows and doors can help keep water out and protect your home's interior.

  8. Secure Outdoor Structures: Ensure sheds, gazebos, trampolines, and other outdoor structures are properly anchored or secured to prevent them from being damaged or blown away during a storm. Securing outdoor structures can, also, help prevent them from becoming hazards during severe weather.

  9. Stay Informed: Monitor weather forecasts and alerts to stay ahead of potential storms. Sign up for local weather alerts and follow reliable sources for updates. Staying informed can help you make timely decisions to protect your home and family.